Law & Policy

The Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law, 1989, provides a Regulatory Framework, or legal requirement, for managing health and safety in the workplace. The regulations identify risks and set out specific actions that must be taken. The law is enforced by the Health and Safety Inspectorate.

It is complimented by Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP's) that offer practical examples of good practice and give advice on how to comply with the Law. An ACoP has a legal standing in that the guidance contained within the code is admissible in the Courts as evidence of best practice.

It is essential that employees are provided with this information and any training and instruction necessary to ensure the Law is being maintained as far as is reasonably practicable.

Full details can be found in the red guidance book published by the Health and Safety Inspectorate entitled "Health & Safety in the Workplace - A General Guide".